Digital marketing has been around for a while. We built our first simple website back in 1994.
Electricity and the internet had just been invented. Well… nearly.
Since then we’ve gone through myriad programs — HoTMetaL (subtle insertion of HTML into a product name for an archaic print medium – not sure what they were thinking); Dreamweaver; text editors; Contribute; Flash; bespoke content management systems; Drupal; WordPress… Wow. What a long strange trip it’s been.
Our point of entry to the world wide web was originally design. Along the way we’ve become very comfortable designing information architecture, planning UX, and maintaining a delicate balance of form and function. We select and modify themes and recommend the right platform for your requirements. We cover a lot in-house and when needed, collaborate with a roster of geniuses we’ve found along the way.
Can’t stand still.