Killer Whales in Trouble!

Killer Whales in Trouble!

When we started our info-graphic on the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) last fall they numbered 73. By the time the final version was released last month they had lost another member—reducing their population to 72. They feed almost exclusively on Chinook salmon and most of those runs on the BC coast are threatened. Chinook feed largely on herring.

We’re currently starting work on an info-graphic for the last of 4 herring fisheries on the BC coast that is still open. The other 3 have collapsed and DFO appears to be ignoring the science on the current state of that last remaining fishery, which indicates the quota should be cut in half.

Please take a look at our SRKW info-graphic and read what you can do to help.

You may also want to visit our micro site to see other info-graphics we’ve done. We love a good cause and these are a great way to engage a broader audience.