Commercial Drive

Commercial Drive has been home to our office and residence since 1991. In 2000 we began marketing Commercial Drive. In that first year of working with the Commercial Drive Business Society we designed and launched, produced the neighborhood’s first edition of street banners, and started their very successful co-op ad program.

Ian chaired and co-chaired the marketing committee from 2000 to 2013 and during that time, helped brand the Drive as the most creative, unique, destination shopping district in Vancouver. How? Radio interviews; press releases; ad campaigns; hundreds of thousands of unique visitors to the website; product development; viral media coverage; and improved curb-appeal.

All-in-all, it was an amazing 13 year experience and helped make our great neighborhood even better.

We were fortunate to have Ian and his team’s resources in the development and implementation of The Drive’s branding, marketing, and promotion. Ian put The Drive out there with professional and creative ads and programs that pulled people to experience our unique restaurants, coffee shops and retailers – not just once but as repeat visitors.

Ian got us noticed with tourist brochures, interactive informative web pages, and outstanding and creative banners. His SkyTrain ad campaigns drove retail traffic and helped build demographics – showing us where our market is coming from. Their program to recycle our banners into bags and umbrellas generated revenues for new street green spaces.

Ian and his team are visionaries who get results for their clients; keep on, or under, budget; and meet deadlines.

– Rob Forrest
Vice President of the Commercial Drive BIA : 20+ Years
Vice President of Property Services Gulf Pacific Group : 18+ Years